many supporters who stood behind him in the Albany county legislature
as chairman .
' Said Hon. Brian Scavo" the Albany county nursing home issue is the
leverage McCoy used to force out then Albany County executive Mike
Breslin, for McCoy to push this 18 million dollar loan scheme with USG
and ignore another bidder is an act of lunacy and just plain bad
business, with no real guarantee's and is a dis service to Albany
county taxpayers.
Scavo also said" McCoy's fuzzy math on the nursing home is a smoke
screen for the next 12.5 % Albany county tax increase coming up later
this year, instead of restructuring the nursing home as stipulated in
the bipartisan deal of 2011 which would moved the Albany county
nursing home towards a profit, McCoy has made a desperate attempt to
loan money to USG to lease the Albany county nursing home with
borrowed money from the county USG puts up nothing.
The fact is McCoy does not have the votes to move on this questionable
deal { by the county charter Albany county can not be a loan broker},
the deadline is April, so far it appears to be DOA!